If you want to be a part of team making a new Ukrainian art, join the Young opera now!

We open a Call for Volunteers and you are welcome!

  • 6 online sessions from the team of authors: singers, actors, managers, communicators and fundraisers

  • off-line continued training on singing and acting

  • a great opportunity to volunteer in the Opera management, public relations, and building a world network of Ambassadors

  • part in the national premiere organization

“Ukraine – Terra Incognita” is an unusual modern opera that combines archaic singing of ancient Ukrainian songs, symphonic music, free jazz, video art and futuro-folk costumes. It is dedicated to the Ukrainian singer and soldier Vasyl Slipak. In 2020, the Opera was created and filmed. This year, the Opera is planned for live performance.

How to be a volunteer?

Please apply with a Google form at https://forms.gle/PUu9XqHv9QjQ99k58

Deadline is 5, April (18:00). The young adults and students of creative professions are welcome!

Online Training Schedule 

In April, 5-22, every Mon and Thursday 19:00 – 20:30, in Zoom.

April 5 – Welcome meeting. Introduction to the Opera.

April 8 – Archaic singing and Modern Art. Opera mission and unicity

April 12 – How to make an opera. From idea to the premiere

April 15 – Communication and PR for cultural projects

April 19 – Network building and international communication

April 22 – Future planning


Project management: Oleksandra Sorokopud (CEO, YMCA Lviv)

Archaic singing and Opera directing: Uliana Horbachevska (Opera director, Singer and Actress)

Communications and PR in cultural projects: Yurko Vovkohon (Culture Manager)

International Communications: Iryna Vuytsyk (External Communications Manager and Fundraiser)

Strategic Planning: Oksana Kuzenko (Civil Project Coordinator and Mentor)

Management of Cultural Project: Oksana Darmoriz (Culture Researcher and Consultant)

Acting and Public Presentation: Mykola Bereza (Actor, Singer, Performer)

After online training

Upon the lockdown restrictions, in mid-May, we plan live meetings and introductory song and theater trainings from the Opera performers aimed at team building. We shall create an international network of Ambassadors, elaborate PR campaign and organization of the event. The volunteers interested in developing this and other YMCA Lviv projects will have the opportunity to run for the YMCA Lviv Young Council in October elections.

The project is implemented by YMCA Lviv within “Youth engagement: citizens participation through enhanced social action skills and tools (Active Citizens)” carried out by the British Council in Ukraine with the financial support of the British Embassy in Ukraine; administrative partner – Laboratory of Youth Initiatives.