Молода школа відеоблогу

Young school of Videoblog will make more at Ukrainian YouTube.

On the 1st of March 10 young bloggers start their education at Young school of Videoblog in the frames of joint project initiated by YMCA Lviv with “Two sevens” studio to make more Ukrainian content at You Tube.



School is helping to learn how to design the idea for videoblog, how to choose its style, how to write scenarios and how to shoot and make post production of videos. As a result each participant will make new You Tube channel to tell us more about world.


Young leaders have chance to take active part in decision making at the local Y by participation at the next elections to YMCA youth Board and cooperation with YMCA Aarhus (Danmark)/ “Two sevens” studio will support blog creators with their technical equipment and expert advises.  

Already in May 10 new Video blogs will be presented!

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