Youth and totalitarianism. What is freedom? Why should you appreciate it?

How to feel free in every movement, every sound and every look?

How can one think of the past, which we, fortunately, did not find?

See this in the Voices of Freedom film about the trainings of the Youth and Totalitarianism project.

Over the film worked: Ostap Kostyuk, Oleg Sologub, Andrei Voronov, Mikhail Balog.

“Youth and totalitarism Now and Thenis a joint project of YMCA of Ukraine and Lithuania.

On October 16-22, 2017, Lithuanian, Danish, Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian volunteers had the opportunity to communicate with each other, to reflect on the essence and manifestations of totalitarianism, to think about how to overcome its consequences, to learn more about the cultures of our people, discover history in Lviv… 3 days in Carpathians we have master classes on music creation, physical and vocal trainings, get acquainted with the techniques of mindfulness, watch films, meet the sun on Trostyan Mountain, admire the views and get new experiences. We hope this is not our last meeting and there are still many bright impressions, new acquaintances and interesting events ahead.

YMCA project “Youth and totalitarism Now and Then is organized by: YMCA Lviv, Ljks YMCA, YMCA Ukraine

Donors: Ministry of Social Security and Labor of the Republic of Lithuania, Ministry of Youth and Sport of Ukraine

Participated by: Volyn YMCA in Lutsk, KFUM og KFUK i Distrikt Aarhus, Nyzhne Selishche YMCA, YMCA Kyiv

Photo: Danuta Zgarda