In November-December 2020, YMCA-Lviv implemented the Laboratory of Social Projects supported by Lviv Oblast State Administration , project Youth Embrace (supported by SIDA) and the KFUM og KFUK i Distrikt Aarhus.
The course has taught young people of Lviv and Lviv region to generate and present their own project ideas, design and draft project applications, work with donors, and implement own initiatives.
The Laboratory has elaborated a course of the six trainings (5h each) to cover theory and practical cases on the following topics: formulating the problem and generating ideas for the social initiatives, grant application writing and forming the project budget, presentation of the initiatives in the video format, and the opportunities to participate in the international programs.
LSP-2020 trainers:
There is a big request for informal education among young people in Lviv and Lviv oblast. Many more than 20 students applied to participate in the LSP.
However, the situation with COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the related restrictions have limited the possibilities for the informal learning. In spite of this, the trainers organized the process properly and all the active students now create their own projects.
The students elaborated the following projects:
- education activities to resist bullying among teenagers;
- development of intellectual skills, logical/analytical thinking and promotion of a healthy lifestyle amongst young people;
- overcoming the language barrier in mastering a foreign language among children in the primary school;
- eco-initiatives;
- creative evenings;
- education through video content;
- development of the student environment;
- city environment improvement;
- work with people with mental disabilities;
- art projects;
development of Ukrainian YouTube segment
The Laboratory of Social Projects is designed to promote the formation of a new generation of leaders in the Lviv region: creative, efficient, socially responsible, able to develop and respond to new challenges. Every year the Laboratory develops and helps to implement the young social projects.
Organizers of LSP-2020:
YMCA Lviv (NGO), Department of Internal and Information Policy of the Lviv Oblast State Administration in a framework of the Regional Program “Youth of Lviv Region” for 2016-2020.
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