
24 07, 2024

Results of the Survey and Interviews of Volunteers

News, Youth in crisis|

Analytical Report on the Results of the Survey and Interviews of Volunteers Volunteering is one of the most horizontal and resilient phenomena in Ukrainian society, especially during wartime. Volunteers rank third in the trust rating of the Ukrainian society (after the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the President of Ukraine), providing many socially [...]

24 07, 2024

Baseline Reserach of the veterans 2024


Baseline Reserach of the veterans in the process of reintegration and return to civilian life Research Methodology. For working with veterans in the process of reintegration and return to civilian life, it was important for the YMCA.Lviv organization to understand how veterans perceive their return, what difficulties have already arisen, and with which [...]

1 03, 2024


News, Our projects|

INTRODUCTION by CEO of YMCA Lviv Oleksandra Sorokopud We as international community at this very moment are witnesses of the destruction process in the international laws system. On Decemer 5 1994 Ukraine signed the Budapest memorandum where volunteered to agree on its non - nuclear status and destroy all nuclear weapons. USA, Great Britain and [...]

11 06, 2023

Singing performance of Opera-Myth in Baia Mare

International cooperation, News, Our projects, Young art|

Opera-Myth "Ukraine - Terra Incognita", despite all the obstacles caused by Russian aggression, continues to tell the world about the beauty and power of Ukrainian songs. On May 31, 2023, in the Romanian city of Baia Mare, in the Greek-Catholic Church of St. Anthony of Padua, a singing performance by the creators of Opera-Myth [...]

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