On May 24-26 2018 16 teens from YMCA Lystruphave Efterskole visited Lviv.  

Young people from Danmark presented Sizzix Big Shot Plus Machine for children at Western Ukrainian Specialized Children’s Medical Centre. Now the Art classes organized by Charity Foundation “Wings of Hope” will get as many details for creativity as they need.

In YMCA Lviv Art space during Master class held by the head of the Charity Foundation Nataliya Lipska Danish youth made over 200 butterflies to decorate hospital for the 1st of June celebration of the International Children’s day.

The last day of school Danish youth celebrated together with Children at Lviv Child Care Centre. Ukrainian and Danish young people got to know each other and even managed to sing «Imagine Dragons» together despite of language barriers.

Danish youth collected money to buy presents for Ukrainian kids before the trip.

They came to Lviv for the first time and we do hope they liked to be here and planning to come again!

YMCA Lviv has a good partnership with YWCA – YMCA Aarhus  (KFUM og KFUK i Distrikt Aarhus) and we hope it will be even better as our new friends liked our chocolate and caramel!