YMCA Lviv continues training within the “Laboratory of Social Projects” supported by Lviv Regional State Administration, project Youth Embrace (supported by SIDA) and the KFUM og KFUK i Distrikt Aarhus (Denmark).

The Laboratory is teaching young people of Lviv and Lviv region to generate their own project ideas, working with donors, presentation and implementation of own initiatives. Twenty students are obtaining the skills of team building, design thinking, creation and testing new ideas, grant-writing and project implementation, and communication campaigns.

The sessions on the creation and implementation of projects are followed by the training on public speaking conducted by Yaroslav Fedorchuk, the actor of Les Kurbas theater. He teaches the self and project presentation in public and how to overcome the fears of public speech. Yaroslav is coordinating the video shooting by participants.

Please watch it at our web-page!

LSP-2020 trainers:

Oleksandra Sorokopud (YMCA-Lviv CEO): a lecturer, PhD in Political Sciences, and public activist. She worked as a head of UNHCR office in Lviv, and as a deputy head of the Crimea-SOS Western Ukrainian branch. Oleksandra participated in the courses in Calgary, Bangkok, Stockholm, Rome, and Washington. She trained students on management and leadership in Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia, South Africa and Canada.

Yurko Vovkohon (YMCA-Lviv project coordinator) worked for 10 years as a press secretary and project coordinator of Dzyga Art Center. He has implemented the projects of the Biennale of Contemporary Art Week, international festivals “Lviv Weather Vanes”, “Jazz Bez”, “Fort. Mission”, “Performance Art Days in Lviv” and others.

Iryna Vuytsyk (YMCA-Lviv fundraiser and international communicator) worked as a monitoring and evaluation advisor at the Western Hub of the U-LEAD Program/GIZ, and the media education coordinator at the National Media Association (Kyiv).

Yaroslav Fedorchuk is a leading actor at Les Kurbas academic theater in Lviv, Ukrainian movie actor, founder of the acting studio “22”, a member of the group “Miklouho Maclay”.


The Laboratory of Social Projects is designed to promote the formation of a new generation of leaders in the Lviv region: creative, efficient, socially responsible, able to develop and respond to new challenges. Every year the Laboratory develops and helps to implement the young social projects.

Organizers of LSP-2020: YMCA Lviv (NGO), Department of Internal and Information Policy of the Lviv Oblast State Administration in a framework of the Regional Program “Youth of Lviv Region” for 2016-2020.

FB page: https://www.facebook.com/SSL.Lviv

School of Social Leadership 2018: https://ymca-lviv.org/cours

The LSP thanks to the Lviv Oblast State Administration, project Youth Embrace (supported by SIDA) and KFUM og KFUK i Distrikt Aarhus (Denmark) for their support.