On December 15, 2018 in Gothenburg, Sweden was held a partners meeting among YMCA-YWCA Stockholm and Gothenburg with Ukrainian and Byelorussian colleagues within the framework of “Youth embrace” program.

This cooperation already lasts almost for ten years, supported by SIDA (Swedish International Development Agency).

The purpose this one meeting was reporting about half a year YMCA Ukraine activities in the field of implementation prior goals for our country within UN Resolution 2030 – Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

“It was intense presentation-training! We have got it wonderful possibility not just to show to Swedish colleagues practical cases of this project implementation in eastern Europe, but also to find out about SDG empowerment in African countries.

I should add that for me also it was very exciting to expand boundaries stereotyped idea about perfect life in Scandinavia.

But I have to admit, that hugge is not fictional and is all over” says the Ukraine delegate, a member the YMCA Lviv Youth Council, Martha Nyzhniak.