Course based on Ukrainian archaik songs. The training is conducted by Uliana Horbachevska – a famous singer, director, teacher and researcher of the Ukrainian traditional song.
The course is designed for those who are already engaged in singing, and for those who are taking first steps in discovering the world of songs.
Main goals of the course are the following.
  • To understand yourself and the world around you through sounds.
  • To develop your voice and breathing.
  • To reflect on the messages that have come down to us from the ancestors through the ages.
  • To feel the beauty of your own voice while singing ancient songs …
All mentioned above is possible during trainings according to the program “Way to the personal sound”.
Teacher – Uliana Horbachevska
Assistant – Yaryna Sayenko Video making: Nastia Bezpalova, Ihor Leshchuk, Solomiya Hera, Ira Vuytsyk
Created by YMCA Lviv inspired by cooperation with Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong.