The YMCA Lviv is always open to transformation as new opportunities come along with changes. In our case, the wind of change transformed the organization’s youth board. First of all we learned from the experience of the previous board,and now we are ready to introduce ourselves and further plans. Welcome the YMCA Lviv Youth Council 2020.

Young Council 2020

Nastya Bezpalova
Nastya Bezpalova video coordinator
grant application specialist, video blogging project manager, copywriter.
Serhiy Khlivniuk
Serhiy Khlivniuk cultural events and leisure coordinator
Project manager of movie screening and music events, smm strategist.
Lesia Gutsuk
Lesia Gutsuk political science projects coordinator
She is the author of an educational project of political science comics, member of the project of teaching English for children of ATO veterans.
 Zirka Savka
Zirka Savka art coordinator
She is the curator of the art project “Continuation. Cultural events, art, manager, organization events designer.
Hera Solomia
Hera Solomia external communications coordinator
Communicate with external partners and establish relationships with other organizations.
Marta Nyzhniak
Marta Nyzhniak YMCA's English Club
Fundraiser, the leader of the English board game club, member of the project English for Military.