We present the action «Myth of Ancestry», a song matrix for our Young Opera «Ukraine – Terra Incognita» The “Myth of Ancestry” combines ancient Ukrainian songs, video art and future-folk costumes.

It is dedicated to the singer and warrior Vasyl Slipak, a man of art who left his world career with a purpose to go and protect his land and provide for the opportunity to create there free.

  • The author of the idea is the famous director and singer Ulyana Horbachevska. The action was made by the actors and singers: Mykola Bereza (director of the Les Kurbas Theater, starring in the film “Red”), Yaroslav Fedorchuk (actor in the films “Gate”, “Our Cats”), Serhiy Badyuk (actor in the film “Black Raven”, singer in the band “Chornomortsi”), Marko Svizhinsky (actor of the Les Kurbas Theatre), Denys Ivaniv (singer in the band “Pike Fish”), Sofia Leshyshak (actress and vocalist in the band “Berries”), Andriana-Yaroslava Saenko (singer and musician), Kateryna Smirnova (singer), Olga Balandyukh (singer and artist).

    One of the most experienced Ukrainian formation VJ group CUBE together with the artist Volodymyr Oleshchuk made the video art for the Myth. Martha Wachholz designed the scene costumes.

    Video recorded in the LemStation (Lviv).

    The action “Myth of Ancestry” will be a song matrix for the Young Opera “Ukraine – Terra Incognita”. The Recruit, Cossack, Chumak, love songs and the lullabies will accompany the ritual songs. The orchestra will perform the modern symphonic music, and the free jazz musicians will improvise. A bright scenography, video art, costumes and performativity of the actors and singers will create a visual story.

    The video premiere of the Young Opera “Ukraine – Terra Incognita” is scheduled for the Ukraine Defender Day (October 14, 2020). After the end of the pandemic, performances are planned in Ukraine and abroad.

    Our songs have grown through the centuries and flourished in crucial times, helping to feel the support of past generations, love and responsibility for this land. In the “Myth of Ancestry” we combine the power and beauty of our songs with modern art, so they will germinate in the present.

    🌿 Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the “Myth of Ancestry”: Orest Slipak, Lesya Oliynyk, Mykhailo Lemak, Ostap Kostyuk, Ivan Ogar, Ihor Leschuk, Halyna Tereshchuk, Hanna Homenyuk, Nastya Bezpalova, Orest Hnidets, Zirka Savka, Danuta Naugolnyk, Andriy Turyansky, Yuriy Shcherbaty, Andriy Yanovsky, Yarema Hera, Solomiya Hera.

    We also thank to all supporters on the Big.Idea crowd-funding platform and the International Renaissance Foundation (згадка про Відро??).

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