For the Day of Heroes, the YMCA Lviv and young Lviv singers prepared a video concert “Songs for Wassyl” dedicated to Wassyl Slipak and all the defenders of Ukraine. The concert included the ancient Ukrainian ritual, recruit and Cossack songs that followed Ukrainians for centuries.

We are greatful to all the heroes known and unknown, who defended Ukraine and created for her. We are singing these songs thoughtful of them and about Wasyl Slipak in particilar – a singer and warrior who died for our opportunity to live and sing.

The creative curator of the project “Songs for Wassyl” is a famous director, singer and folklore researcher Uliana Horbachevska.

The video concert also features: Mykola Bereza – director and actor of the Les’ Kurbas Lviv Academic Theater; Marko Svizhinsky – actor of Les’ Kurbas theater; Sofia Leshyshak – actress of  Lesya Ukrainka theater; Yaroslava Sayenko – a student of the Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Academy of Music; and young singer Kateryna Smirnova.

Filming: Ihor Leshchuk, Andriy Turyansky, Stas Bezginskyy

Editing: Nastia Bezpalova

Organizer: YMCA Lviv

Co-organizers: The Wassyl Slipak Foundation

The project is supported by Lviv City Council (within the calendar plan for general city centralized cultural events in 2020 “Celebration of anniversaries, significant and memorable dates”)

YMCA Lviv is currently working on creation of the Young Opera “Ukraine – Terra Incognita” with the singers from this video.

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