The Young Opera “Ukraine – Terra Incognita” is to honor the memory of Vasyl Slipak and all the soldiers who have fallen for Ukraine now and in previous generations. That is why the reputation, commitment and transparency of its implementation are very important to us.

The Young Opera “Ukraine – Terra Incognita” project is out of politics. More precisely – over politics. It is unacceptable for us to advertise any political parties within the project. We ask visitors the visitors to events not to bring their party symbols. Representatives of government, local government, religious and community leaders, if they really care about our soldiers, can buy tickets and come to events just like visitors, without counting on speeches, thanksgiving and PR. The project is designed primarily for veterans, families of the victims, artistic backgrounds and young people.

The personal and political views of team members or performers are not the official position of the project. Team members do not involve political parties to the project. Financial assistance to the project from policy-makers can only be accepted as a personal charitable contribution. The project team reserves the opportunity to refuse funding to individuals or organizations affiliated with political forces.

Financial transparency. All the money received from the donors goes exclusively to the needs of the project. The project comprehensively and timely reports to donors. The project expresses gratitude for the assistance at official media channels and events. Benefactors have the opportunity to make anonymous contributions.

Project coverage. The official channels of the project are: , and

The project spokesmen are Yurko Vovkogon (for the Ukrainian press) and Oleksandra Sorokopud (for the foreign press). Team members comment on the project within their competence: Ulyana Gorbachevskaya (idea, artistic side of the project), Orest Slipak (dedication of the project to Vasyl Slipak), Maria Oliynyk (music), Anastasia Bezpalova (youth participation), etc.

Team decisions. Team members do not comment on each other and the activities of partner organizations. Any disputes, discussions or conflicts that may arise during the implementation of the project (although we believe that there will be none) are resolved within the team and are not discussed in public.

Project decisions to involve partners, sponsors, philanthropists as well as the important matters that have a significant impact on the project, are considered as consensus between all in the project team. We, as a project team, do an important thing about the memory of the heroes. We associate with them. Therefore, even in personal matters we behave decently not to cast a shadow on the project, at least until its completion).