Our projects

11 09, 2018

Youth from the YMCA of St. Louis in Lviv and the Carpathians

International cooperation, News, Youth Exchange|

In July, we met with American youth from St. Louis. Young leaders from the Gateway Region YMCA with their educators Greg and Shelley came to us. We have not seen such an organized, friendly and fun team before. Boys volunteer at YMCA Sports Centers as instructors of swimming for sick children. Girls are engaged [...]

21 08, 2018

“Game about us” was written in a scientific article in Poland

Migration, News, Our projects, Young art, Youth in crisis|

The Lviv atrical initiative "Game about us", created for the adaptation of immigrants from the Crimea, was published as an article in the collection of monographs of the University of Warsaw. "The game about us" was held in 2015-16 on the initiative of Lviv organizations YMCA and Crimea SOS. [...]

4 08, 2018

Elvira Ablyakimova: ukrainian Change Agent at 19th YMCA World Council Conference

International cooperation, News, Volunteering|

In July 2018, the XIX World Conference of YMCA took place in Thailand in Chiang Mai. 9 Change Agents have represented our country, including Elvira Abliakimova from YMCA Lviv. 19th YMCA World Council Conference introduced a new Strategy of YMCA World aimed at developing youth leadership, empowerment and responsibility. New president [...]

2 07, 2018

YMCA Lviv Council visited the partners of Aarhus

International cooperation, News, Youth Exchange|

From June 21 to 25, Lviv students - graduates of the School of Social Leadership, who formed the Young Council of YMCA Lviv , visited Denmark. The youth came to the invitation of our partners from the city of Arhus  KFUM og KFUK i Distrikt Aarhus. Within a few days Lviv students gained practical management skills, teamwork, [...]

30 05, 2018

Danish youth bringing joy and happiness for kids in Lviv!

International cooperation, International projects, News|

On May 24-26 2018 16 teens from YMCA Lystruphave Efterskole visited Lviv.   Young people from Danmark presented Sizzix Big Shot Plus Machine for children at Western Ukrainian Specialized Children’s Medical Centre. Now the Art classes organized by Charity Foundation “Wings of Hope” will get as many details for creativity as they need. In YMCA Lviv Art [...]

8 05, 2018

Youth Board YMCA Lviv 2019

Leadership, News|

The General Assembly of YMCA Lviv on 5th of May, 2018 voted for creation of Youth Board to empower young people be change agents and make life more interesting. Morten Hougaard Sørensen, Chairman of Local to Local committee of YMCA Aarhus and member of Steering committee of YMCA Lviv and Martin Toftdal Graversen, representing the [...]

11 04, 2018

WOODMAN. Video about a project.


On January 14, Lviv hosted the presentation of the WOODMAN (Derevyanko). This is a 4-meter wooden puppet for street performances, created by war veterans to give joy to adults and children. https://youtu.be/Xfq3VXC1UtE?list=PLXJmQlFLql3jQr4UtpCVG-wPU2fnMtFb9 Derevyanko will become a hero of bright street performances in Ukraine and will participates in festivals abroad to bring joy and happiness [...]

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